Archive for December, 2009

Tehran 27th December 2009

Sunday, December 27th, 2009

Ashura, originally uploaded by United4Iran.

Whether it is in the name of Huitzilopochtli, Jesus, Jehovah, or Mohammed, theocracies have been some of the most oppressive and reactionary States this world has ever known. Killing your citizens is an act of cowardice. Doing so in the name of religion is irreligious.

War Crimes Suspect Evades Arrest

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

Tzipi Livni – World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2007, originally uploaded by World Economic Forum.

It doesn’t matter whether you are an elected politician or a shitbag terrorist. You don’t get to bomb densely packed civilian areas or fire rockets into towns without answering to charges of war crimes.

‘Captain’ Scarlet explains

Wednesday, December 9th, 2009
Scarlett explains

Scarlett explains

So apparently the claim in the September 2002 dossier that Iraq could use WMD within 45 minutes of Saddam’s order

“There was absolutely no conscious intention to manipulate the language or to obfuscate or to create a misunderstanding as to what this might refer to.”

besides as everyone now knows the claim was made by an unimpeachable source Mysteron Agent taxi cab driver #007-THRUSH.

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