Archive for the ‘environment’ Category

Rupert Considers “Tracy Island” Solution

Sunday, September 21st, 2008

Tracy Island by Fender5 Creative Commons License

London Mayor Boris “Rupert” Johnson is considering building an artificial island in the Thames Estuary as an answer to overcrowding at Heathrow Airport.

A spokesperson for the mayor said Rupert “wants to undertake a study to establish the feasibility of the idea once and for all and is in the process of examining the best way to take the study forward.”

The previous proposal to build a new airport at Cliffe in Kent was rejected due to environmental concerns and the fact that the area is a major winter roost for seabirds the danger to aircraft taking off and landing was decided to be far too hazardous, and was even advised against by BAA.

Perhaps the idea of aircraft falling out of the sky onto the people of Sheppey rather than Cliffe isn’t so bad an idea, Cliffe is after all only just across the river from East Tilbury, and well Sheppey is Sheppey.

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