Archive for the ‘religion’ Category

Mrs Blofeld show the PM her cat

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

Both the Home Secretary and PM attended the meeting, originally uploaded by ukhomeoffice.

‘Batty’ May bans Muslims against Crusades. Apparently anyone that shows them any support may be jailed for 10 years. Despite that if it weren’t for the fact that they are more fuckwitted then she is it might have been worth chucking them a fiver just to throw her into a hissy fit.

As it is we can all listen to Onward Christian Soldiers in peace.

Tehran 27th December 2009

Sunday, December 27th, 2009

Ashura, originally uploaded by United4Iran.

Whether it is in the name of Huitzilopochtli, Jesus, Jehovah, or Mohammed, theocracies have been some of the most oppressive and reactionary States this world has ever known. Killing your citizens is an act of cowardice. Doing so in the name of religion is irreligious.

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