Archive for the ‘humour’ Category

Mrs Blofeld show the PM her cat

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

Both the Home Secretary and PM attended the meeting, originally uploaded by ukhomeoffice.

‘Batty’ May bans Muslims against Crusades. Apparently anyone that shows them any support may be jailed for 10 years. Despite that if it weren’t for the fact that they are more fuckwitted then she is it might have been worth chucking them a fiver just to throw her into a hissy fit.

As it is we can all listen to Onward Christian Soldiers in peace.

Clegg discovers how to suck

Monday, May 10th, 2010

Long straw not needed.

Lord ‘Mendacity’ pledges …

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

that the legality of the drug mephedrone will be examined “very speedily, very carefully” following the deaths of two teenagers.

Whilst at it he may like to examine why it is that a report on the drug is delayed … Oh that’s right its because his colleague

Home Secretary Alan Johnson hard at work

the Minister for ‘Hookar Smoking’ sacked the chairman of the Drug Advisory Council and the working party committee resigned in protest.

Fat twat bundled into car

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009

Hybrid Embryo Research

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008


The Commons overwhelmingly passes the bill allowing for hybrid embryo research(336 to 176). Actually, despite opposition, it looks like it was game set and match for science these last two days, with MPs leaving alone the time limit on abortions (304 votes to 233), and allowing for ‘Saviour siblings’ (342 votes to 163).

A Q&A on the bill can be found on the BBC website which includes information on why scientist say that the research is needed to further understand complex diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Motor Neurone Disease.

With the Reverend Blair out of the way, the leaders of all major UK parties gave their backing to the bill. Predictably the main opposition came from the Catholic church, the main spokesperson in amongst the MPs saying:

“We do not believe that regulation is enough. We believe this is a step too far and therefore should be banned.

“In embryos, we do have the genetic make up of a complete human being and we could not and should not be spliced together with the animal kingdom.”

being a conservative lawyer Edward Leigh is in the perfect position to know.

Rat head by ChinchillaVilla used under a BY-NC Creative Commons License

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